Recovery Road Ministries Recovery Program is a Christian Faith Based Recovery Program that is a 10-month commitment. It is a Christian Rehabilitation Home with an in-house recovery program. We are not a medical facility nor a homeless shelter.
By signing this application you are acknowledging that upon being accepted, you are committing to attending a 10-month, in-house recovery program and agree to follow the recovery program, house rules, and directives of the Executive Director and Staff. Violations of the rules and directives will lead to dismissal from the program.
Recovery Road Ministries recognizes the rights of all individual’s privacy and holds each person’s confidentiality in the highest regard. Any information disclosed will done with consent of the client prior to discussing confidential information and used solely for Recovery Road Ministries purposes. Upon acceptance into Recovery Road Ministries, each client is given the opportunity to complete all necessary releases of information to provide the ability of staff to discuss important information with those that the important or necessary for continuity of care. No information will be disclosed to any party without the written, documented consent of the client.